Free Course: AI and Automation for Increased Efficiency

Photo of a white lady at a desk laughing, holding a phone.
Photo by ProMo Cymru
Registration for this course has closed. Subscribe to our newsletter to find out about the next course, or email to join the waitlist.

Want to experiment with AI and Automation with digital experts? 

We have an exciting opportunity for 10 Welsh Third Sector Organisations to join us on a design challenge to explore how AI and Automation can help your organisation save time.

We’ll support you to research, test and evaluate how these time saving tools could benefit you.

Course format:

Introduction Webinar,  24th January, 10am - 1pm, online

The course takes place over 8 weeks, beginning with a half day webinar where you’ll be introduced to the service design methodology, what the process looks like and how to better understand your digital needs.

Discovery Phase:

You’ll have four weeks to complete a piece of discovery research focused on understanding where you could be saving time. We recommend you allow 2-3 hours per week to complete this research.

In person design workshop, 21st Feb, 9.30am - 4.30pm, North Wales

During this face-face interactive workshop, you will be guided through activities to define an area of focus and explore ways AI and automation could help you save time. You’ll create a plan of how you are going to test your time saving idea and gather results.

We will reimburse travel.

Testing phase:

You’ll have four weeks to test your solution and gather results.

Closing session, 20th March, 10am - 12pm, online

At the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll attend a closing webinar where you’ll feedback on your project and what you’ve learnt. It’s also an opportunity to learn from the experiences of other organisations on the course.

1-1 mentoring: Throughout the 8 weeks, you’ll receive support, guidance and mentoring.

Six people doing group work in an office.

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